Are you looking to buy a new bike but are unsure what size you need?
Buying a bike that you cannot get comfortable on could be an expensive mistake!
We carry out our standard bike fit on our fully adjustable jig to work out your optimum riding position and then replicate the geometry from the bikes on your wishlist and determine which size bike you’ll need.
Once you have the new bike, we can also carry out a follow up fitting to make sure everything is set up for you. Each new sizing fit also includes an interview and physiological assessment.
Please note - This studio is only open by appointment only.
Appointments are available Monday to Saturday, we can also accommodate a number of evening appointments.
Please use the contact form and we'll be in touch to find the best time slot for you to come and visit.
The bike that you bring with you for the fitting session must be mechanically sound and in a fit state to ride. If after an initial assessment of the bike that you bring with you for the fit, it is deemed unsafe or unable to be adjus